$myCompany is pleased to inform you that you are one of the finalists of the electronic $singleWord_only $delProyecto $projectName in the $singleWordT $auctionName, made in the day $auctionDate, having the following item(s) involved:

Likewise we inform you that your information, was analized by the administrator of $ProyectoTs and fortunately your are part of the group of finalist (this doesn't mean you are a winner).

To continue to this process of the winner election, we asked to please send a physical copy and an electronic copy of the following $deliveryDocs in the items in which you participated at $deliveryPlace no later than the day $deliveryDate with $faqContact. $priceCardUploadLang Later you will receive the evaluation results electronically. We thank you in advance for your collaboration and effort for this event.