We are glad to inform you that you have been invitate to participante in $elProyecto: $projectName by the $myCompany.

$mailBeginning In this link you may find the necessary information so that you can evaluate $elProyecto and decide if your company will like to participate or not in the electronic $singleWordM .

Bases :

Once you evaluate $elProyecto you can decide if you want to participate and be a possible candidate to win $ProyectoT as a participant of $myCompany.



Likewise, we inform you the date for the site visit $delProyecto will be:


This visit will have a length of $visitLength and will be in the following address: $visitAddress.

Your presence is very important in this visit, so that you can evaluate the dimensions $delProyecto.

Next steps:

1) Review the $singleWordM bases
2) Accept or decline the invitation
3) Complete the participat format and review that the information is correct

You are invited to participate in the $singleWordM: $auctionName, and in the following item(s).


You are free to mention the causes of the rejection, this comment will only apply to this $singleWordM, and we will be considering in future events

$myCompany Appreciate your participation in this event.